Business Services

Solutions that work like magic…

                                               because they are (really)

Bring your business into deep alignment with your true intentions and objectives, with Nagasimha Tarot™ reading and consultation.

  • Manifest your business vision more powerfully than ever before

  • Make effective decisions with confidence and clarity

  • Develop functional, productive, and pleasant relationships throughout your business

Contact Jacob to get started today.

Clarity and Direction: Introductory Package


Find out how much a business reading can do for you. Your introductory package provides an in-depth look at patterns affecting your business, orients you around your difficulties, and provides focus and direction for your next steps. Includes a one-hour initial reading and follow-up consultation.

Leadership: Subscription Package

Starting at $135/month

Move fully into your power with ongoing consultation and guidance. Your leadership subscription entitles you to regular readings and consultation to help you make more empowered business decisions, improve relationships, and enjoy the freedom of abundantly achieving your vision. The benefits of greater clarity and connection accrue over time, making the subscription package our best value.

  • Weekly (includes one free session per 3-month period): $540/month
  • Bi-weekly (includes one free session per 6-month period): $270/month
  • Once a month (with a 3-month contract): $135/month

Team Building Package

Improve communication, increase alignment, and establish team cohesion with fun, interactive team reading packages. Each session starts with a reading on a topic relevant to the team, followed by interpretation, questions from the group, and facilitated discussion. These sessions can help break blockages, resolve issues, and improve collaborative capacity. Contact us for pricing and to set up your team session.

Conflict Resolution Package

Enjoy more productive and pleasant relationships that improve your business functioning. Whether you’re experiencing difficulty with a valuable employee, conflicts between team members, or communication issues among partners, a conflict resolution package can identify root causes and provide a path to a fast, effective resolution. Package may include a combination of one-on-one readings, consultation, and facilitated joint sessions as appropriate to the situation. Contact us to customize your package and set up your initial session.