You’re not broken. You’re just out of alignment.
Maybe you’ve tried everything, all the things you know you’re supposed to try. You’ve been to specialists and coaches and retreats and practitioners of all descriptions. You’ve read all the self-help books and listened to all the podcasts.
And your anxiety, your depression, your relationship issues, your PTSD, your blockages, your frustrations, all your persistent problems . . . just won’t go away.
But we can tell you that you’re not broken. The problems that you’re experiencing are the result of energetic misalignment with your profoundest consciousness and truest self. They are not central to who you are. The misalignment may have one or more causes, including toxic residues from traumatic experiences, unhealthy conditioning, a disempowering world view, and unexamined subconscious drives.
Once you understand the root causes of your problems, you can remove your toxic attachments and obstacles, and shift yourself into right alignment with your True Self. You can fully heal and actualize yourself.
We’re Aniri Paschat, Jacob Dragon. Our mission is to show you how to unite your personal power (your Shakti) with your deepest truth, in the Temple of your heart, in order to remove obstacles, fully resolve your persistent issues, transform your life, and actualize your true self.
Schedule your life-transforming session today, or take a few minutes to read more about:
- Our Name (under “About”)
- Our Mission (under “About”)
- Our World View (and why it matters) (under “About”)
- Our Services
- What to Expect from a Session with Irina and Jacob (under “Services”)
Notice: AS THE STATE OF LOUISIANA HAS NOT ADOPTED EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF SPIRITUAL HEALING. Spiritual healing is a self-regulating profession and its practitioners are not licensed by state governments. We are not physicians nor licensed health care providers and may not provide a medical diagnosis nor recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. In the event my services are terminated by a client, the client has a right to coordinated transfer of services to another practitioner. A client has a right to refuse hypnotism services at any time. A client has a right to be free of physical, verbal or sexual abuse. A client has a right to know the expected duration of sessions, and may assert any right without retaliation.