Most of humanity exists in a state of perpetual disempowerment. This disempowerment has led to many of the large-scale problems we face as humans, and it causes many of our personal-level problems as well.
At the root of the disempowerment is one or more false worldviews that undermines most attempts at full healing and actualizing. Some of the tenets of these worldviews include:
- The idea that trauma can never fully heal, that we are stuck with the damage it causes (modern pathologism)
- The idea that “truth” and “authority” exists outside, or “above,” our Selves (toxic transcendentalism and transcendental authoritarianism)
- The idea that certain unhealthy characteristics are a fundamental aspect of ourselves (false identification)
- The idea that sacrifice is necessary and beneficial (self martyrdom)
- The idea that “enlightenment” is a positive aspiration that consists of becoming “unattached” to the Self and all of the Self’s desires (self-nihilistic teleology)
- The idea that we have a “destiny” we are obligated to fulfill and for which we must sacrifice our wants and desires (fatalism)
As long as we remain attached to unhealthy ideas about ourselves and the way the world works, we remain disempowered and unable to heal ourselves and actualize.
At Nagasimha Mandir, we have spent lifetimes (including our current ones) studying the deep structural function of the world, in order to develop the truly empowering worldview that informs and enriches our work with clients.
Our worldview is rooted in the ancient teachings of Shaivite Hinduism, Thelemic principles, and Vedagamic Tantra. We believe that the soul of every conscious being is a fundamental point of existence, the Essential Self (which we call the True Self) and which emanates from the Source of all that is. The emanation of the Essential Self is a process of individuation, but not separation.
That means that every one of us is an individual spark of Source with individual wants, needs, and drives. We believe that our individual nature is sacred to the universe, being both necessary and beneficial.
A fundamental premise of our work is that each of us has both the power and the responsibility to heal our self, to uncover and transform the patterns that hurt us and others, and to manifest all that the True Self wants and needs in this life. And we believe that this process is not a process of self-sacrifice, but of self-reclamation and actualization.
This worldview informs everything we do with our clients. We help you remove obstructions that are not an essential part of you, align with the truth that your True Self already knows, and activate this truth with your innate power, so that you can claim and realize all that is yours.